Top 10 Cool Banner Fonts You Can Use Right Now

by - 12:54 AM

Today, you can design a banner in just a few minutes and use one of the thousands of banner fonts available for all design tools, to adjust your message and make it sell your story. There are no limits when it comes to banner design beside your own inspiration and intuition.

How to choose to best fonts for banners, when there are so many options available today? Well, this article will try to help you make a quick and inspired choice by choosing from a list of a top 10 cool banner fonts available now.

1. Volkhov

Our first font in this list is Volkov, a Serif typeface with a robust design, legible and prominent, suitable for complex texts. You can use it as a title in your banner designs but it will be more suitable as a message bearer font. Unlike other Serif fonts, Volkov looks elegant in a modern design and features a natural flow that makes it readable.

2. Source Serif Pro

Source Serif Pro is yet another great example of a Serif-based font. It’s thinner than Volkov but similar in style. Also, it makes the perfect choice for a banner that relays a message based on more than a short sentence. It works well, however, with any kind of copy text, regardless of its length. It’s elegant and easily readable.

3. Advent pro

Advent Pro is our first Sans Serif entry on this list of great looking banner fonts. It’s a modern looking typeface with a thin design that makes it perfect for banners with basic monochromic backgrounds. However, it comes in 7 different modes, thin, extra-light, light, regular, medium, semi-bold and bold. This is why it can be adjusted to suit any banner regardless of its design.

4. Allura

We like Allura because, although it is a Script-type font, it looks not only stylish but also easy to read and therefore, perfect for a banner design. Allura is designed by Rob Leuschke and comes from a wide family of fonts which includes non-Scripts as well.

5. Open Sans

If you are looking for a free banner font that will give your banner a clean and readable look at the same time, take a look at Open Sans. The font is optimized for both print and web but it also looks great on mobile. If you are preparing a marketing campaign, the way the banner looks on mobile devices is very important, since a wide range of your audience already has at least a smartphone. Another important fact is that Open Sans contains a complete 897 characters set which makes it available in almost all languages including Greek and Cyrillic.

6. Playfair Display

Our list of the 20 best fonts for banners continues with yet another typeface we can use as the main choice for our banner titles. Playfair, even though it is not a traditional Display font, it bears this name due to the fact that it was designed especially for large size usage. If you like it, however, you can also use the Regular style for body texts.

7. Rock Salt

Another great banner font is Rock Salt, a typeface that will give your banners a personal and out of the box look. It was designed with felt-tip markers and it certainly looks like it. It is available in just one style, Regular and only in uppercase. In many ways, it looks very similar to the texts of the comic books.

8. Sacramento

Sacramento is a free banner font that falls into the Script category. In other words, it mimics the handwriting. It does it quite well, however, being one of the most accurate Script typefaces available today. The fonts are round, stylish looking, easy to read and they are connected, just as they should be in a traditional handwriting style. If you are looking for such a font to complement your title or your text body, Sacramento may be the perfect solution.

9. Ultra

Ultra is a free banner font that falls into the Display category. It’s a wood type style with bold letters but very easy to read. It’s perfect for a power headline that gives impact to your banner and a strong and dramatic look. If you are looking for a traditional-looking headline, this may be exactly what you needed. Pay attention however, that it may take some space and if you intend to squeeze in a longer message, it may not be suitable.

10. Veteran Typewriter

Veteran Typewriter is another display font that may be easily confused with a Serif font, due to the fact that it mimics perfectly the typewriter letters. However, although it bears a Serif looking typeface, this font is recommended for titles only and maybe, but only maybe, to calls to action. You can try it right away. It may not convince you at a first look but we assure you it is quite readable and stylish looking when you use it on the right banner.

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